
Thursday, 19 April 2012

Consumption of Vitamin and Nutrition Good Before Pregnancy

Contrary to popular opinion in general, there were more pregnancies occurred compared with the number of unprotected sex that occurs. Many couples who make mistakes and when they fail to become pregnant, they quickly assume one of them sterile. Morula IVF Jakarta Director and Deputy Director of the Jakarta Bundamedik Healthcare System, Dr. Ivan R. Here, gives some tips to a successful pregnancy.

1. Find the right person to be a husband / wife. It may be that this is the hardest step.
2. If you already have a partner and is currently taking birth control pills, stop the pill consumption. Most doctors will recommend that women wait 3 menstrual cycles to return the body to adapt after a stop taking the pill before trying to conceive.
3. Start taking pre-natal vitamins before pregnancy. Medical professionals recommend that women consume 400 microgram folic acid every day for a month before trying to conceive and mengkonumsi least 600 microgram per day, after a pregnancy occurs. Research shows that by doing so, may reduce the risk of neurological defects in infants up to 70%.
4. Balance hormones with good nutrition and herbal supplements. Iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6 is very good for maintaining hormone balance. Various herbs are also good for the balance of hormone.

Tiens Product Best for Related article :
  • Nutrient High Calcium Powder
  • Muncord Capsules
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Unemployment Risk for Disease

Global crisis has not ended. More and more companies are experiencing a loss and forced to roll mats. Although various efforts have been made so that people do not drag the circle in the global economic crisis is prolonged, but only termination of employment (PHK)can be choose. In connection with the increasing number of unemployed as a result of economic recession, a latest research results indicate that either lost their jobs due to the termination of employment or because of resignation, the more risk an officer of the disease.

According to research conducted in the United States, although employees can easily find a new job back, but the risk of emerging diseases such as hypertension, heart attack, liver, stroke and diabetes, as a result of job loss appears to increase. "In economic conditions like at this time, termination of employment could befall anybody," said Kate Strully, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health.
"We need to alert the health consequences that occur due to loss of job and do that we can do to prevent the growth effect is negative," he added.

Research conducted based on data from non-United States national survey, U.S. Panel Study of Income Dynamicsa from 1999, 2001 and 2003, this involves a number of employees who worked as a manager, sales, personnel administration, staff and machine operators in the field of services.

From the results of the research found that workers who look bad health condition, 40 percent of them are victims of PHK. For those who lost their jobs, either because the sack or resign, the level of disease risk will be increased to 54 percent. Even though they came back to work, the risk of experiencing stress will still occur and have increased. In addition, Job Churning is defined as the level of loss of employment but low levels of high unemployment, have negative health consequences for workers who previously did not hurt.

For Increase Human Body with Tiens :
1. Nutrient High Calcium Powder
2. Muncord Capsules containing Cordyceps

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Enhancing Immunity

A person easily suffer from flu if her/him immunity falls off than it should be. The decreasing of body immunity is caused by two factors : internal and external. Internal factor can be caused by stress and certain medicines such as corticosteroid that will lessen immunity as its side effect; whereas external factor is mostly influenced by environment and bad habits. Using cell phones, microwave, watching television, using computer and playing play station too much will decrease our immunity; since these electronic devices produce electromagnetic radiation that may reduce the amount of leukocyte in the body. Besides that, foods also affects on one's immunity. Eating too much fatty foods and high protein will decrease blood acid because viruses and bacterium live and grow in such a circumstances.

So, we should avoid all factors that might lead to immune system in order to strengthen our body resistance. For instance, by staying away from stress, reducing the use of cell phone and computer as well as changing eating habbit. Aside from that, you can consume these four Tiens' product at the same time :
  1. Muncord capsules, to increase the amount of leukocyte to fight against any diseases.
  2. Spirulina, to avoid any bad effect from the electromagnetic radiation.
  3. Chitosan, to neutralize the excess of fatty acid in the body as well as to normalize blood acid.
  4. Calcium 1 as an immune mediator. If there is any virus or bacteria in the body, calcium will give indications so that the immunie system works directly
Spirulina and Calcium 3 are two products for child below twelve years old to strengthen his immunity. Consume these products as the right dosage suggested in the box.

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Air pollution Affecting Children's IQ Level

Environmental residence contain the air pollution that can affect the brain development of the fetus. For the first time, researchers in the United States, find the relation between air pollution with low IQ (Intellegent Quotient) in children.

This result is known after the research team from the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health conduct research on 249 children and the mother of each child. The research team before, measure the degree of air pollution that the pregnant women received using air quality monitoring tool. This tool is used during the mother's last period of three months pregnancy.

The mother of a majority of respondents live in the middle to lower regions in the Bronx and Harlem, New York. Generally those living in the area often terkontaminasi with the air pollution from vehicles gas-out kendaraaan. When children enter the age of 5 years, their children are given IQ tests. The result, they often terkontaminasi with the air pollution is still in the womb when the mother, get a value 4-5 times lower than children who are less exposed to air pollution.
"This result shows that the difference is big enough that could impact on the performance of children in school," said Dr. Frederica Perera, the leader of the research.

Good Suplement for children :
1. Children Nutrient High Calcium
2. Children IQ Meal

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Tuesday, 17 April 2012

WHO Worries Abuse of Antibiotics

World Health Organization (WHO) warned, drug resistance is partly driven by irrational use of antibiotics has killed hundreds of thousands of people every year. Therefore, the necessary treatment immediately to resolve the issue.

"We really see the evolution of the rapid increase in the spread of this problem and the bottom line is faster than solving the problem," said assistant general director of WHO's Keiji Fukuda.

Health experts note, only a few countries have plans to handle the problem of drug resistance, which increases amid rising consumption of antibiotics.

"In most countries, there is no plan, no budget, no line of accountability for this very serious problem. Weak surveillance system, that system did not exist in many places," said Mario Raviglione, the WHO official who led the campaign against tuberculosis. He added that the quality of antibiotics is questionable in some countries. "Optimal dose is not actually a trigger mechanism that developed immunity to the drugs. The use of antibiotics is often not feasible, we call it irrational. It allows the creation of resistance to drugs," he explained. In addition, the use of antibiotics in livestock - in order to encourage growth and prevent disease and treat sick animals - also contribute to drug resistance. Any microbes that are resistant to developing drugs in farm animals can move to humans through the food chain.

Because the microbes will always try to be immune to the drug, "this problem will never disappear," said Fukuda.

WHO expose the problem of the use of antibiotics as a major issue in commemorate World Health Day this year. WHO wants all governments, civil society and the pharmaceutical industry working with a variety of strategies to deal with drug resistance.

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Apple Can Prevent Growth of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the diseases that kill more often attack women. In Indonesia, women who are diagnosed this disease continue to increase every year. Even in the UK, breast cancer attack about 125 women in each day. Therefore, the researchers incentive to do research to find medicines that can cure diseases that kill.

Recently, research in the United States to find new solutions to overcome the disease breast cancer. Consumed apples every day the researchers believed to be pressing the growth of cancer cells.

In research using mice as a research object, penenliti team from Cornell Univerity's Institute for Comparative and environmental Toxycology, New York, found that apples can slow the growth of tumor asenocarcinoma for this to be the largest cause of death in people with breast cancer. The more apples the fruit given to the rat-mouse, the development of the tumor can be slowed.

"The number of tumor in the rat-mouse apples that give us not only the less, but also decrease over time, not too dangerous and growing more slowly than in the group of mice that do not eat the fruit of apples," said Prof.. Rui Hai Liu, who is involved in research.

Results of research have been published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry this, showed that approximately 81 percent of mice who did not consume apples to tumor cell growth in a race quickly. Meanwhile, a group of mice eat apples every one every day, only 23 percent of the tumor cell propagation.

Menyakini the research team, that the womb flavonoids or phenolics that make apples potentially prevent the development of tumor cells. According to them, one in the womb there are apple flavonoids or phenolics that is high enough that you can fight breast cancer.

Suggestion for Breast Cancer with Tiens Product :
First given nutrition Nutrient High Calcium Powder I. With the uterus Kalsiumnya expected to strengthen bones, and further facilitate the formation of blood cells from the marrow so that the regeneration of blood can be expected to run well against cells that are not normal.

To fight cancer cells are used nutrition Chitosan capsules that have a pH level functionality menaikan body fluids to freeze cells anormal, but if there is inflammation in the patients can be used Cordyceps Mycellium capsules that have a purpose other than cancer also contain the natural antibody against the disease bacteria.

But if people are serious enough, then that needs to be done is accelerate the flow of blood throughout the Vigor Rousing capsules to fight the spread of cancer in the lymph, a new use for the healing of Chitosan capsules.

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Maintaining Healthy Heart With Antilipemic Tea

Modern life style leads the society to the unhealthy food inasmuch as they tend to choose fast food because of its convenience and delicious taste. Unfortunately, this fst food does not provide our body any benefits due to its fats excesses as well as fiber and vitamins deficiency. Consuming too much fatty foods will result to the increasing of cholesterol in the blood. These fats will be concentrated in the blood vessels, causing the clog of blood. As a result, the heart will not able to work well and other disease will emerge.

Don't let this happend to you and your family! We can avoid the risk of heart problems by having a healthy life such as take regular exercise and eat low fat foods. The prevention can be optimized by consuming Tiens' tea, known as, Antilipemic Tea.

Tiens Tea consists of kind of herbs, one of which is green tea. Here are the following benefits of Antilipemic Tea :
  • Regularize the blood circulation
  • neutralize the blood due to fatty foods and triglyceride
  • Decrease the cholesterol (LDL) and uric acid.
  • Neutralize poison (free radical) in the body.
  • Regularize the urinary system.
  • Prevent the heart problems.
  • Strengthen heart.
  • Heal the sight problem.
  • Nourish the skin face.
  • Avoid grey hair.
  • Reduce body weight in a long term period
Hoe to Consume Tiens' Tea?
  1. Boil 3 glasses of water (250 cc each glass), put the tea in the boiling water for about 10 minutes. Turn off the stove and tea is ready to serve.
  2. Do not add sugar to get the best result of tea.
  3. Drink tea 2 hours after meal or 1 hour before meal.
  4. Antilipemic Tea absorbs and passes the unnecessary matters out through urine. Do not consume before they are absorbed.
  5. A sachet of tea can be boiled more then once a day. Keep the used sached in the refrigerator so as it can be reused.
Tips from Dr. Johansa.

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Suggested Clothing Women Sleep With Loose

It is most convenient if we sleep with pajamas or sleepwear are loose. This was not without reason you know. Even Dr. Maruyama a doctor who is also researcher of Sapparo, Japan suggest other than a loose nightgown, even better if you also use loose underwear, too. "Even better if without using Bra," he said. Why is that?

Here are the medical reasons given by Dr. Maruyama. "Clothes to sleep and underwear that are too pressing on the abdomen or chest can press on nerves that can affect organ function is concerned," he said. Based on the results peneltian he did in early 2008 ago, that wearing sleepwear and underwear in a tight can cause various ailments such as diarrhea, constipation, dizziness and itching.

Dr Maruyama studies is actually a continuation of the research study conducted by Dr. Bunkichi of Tokyo, Japan. Research conducted in 1991 was successfully revealed that women who wear panties / bra is too tight when sleep will experience respiratory allergy.

According to Dr. Maruyama, actually by releasing underwear before bed, the women will get health benefits. Namely the blood circulation, including around the underwear, it would be better, more smoothly and more perfect. Then the elasticity of the body will be more flexible, so they can make more calm or sleep more soundly. Furthermore, the body will naturally warmer. And the final condition of the skin will be much better, this is because the skin get more oxygen. "I highly recommend to women who experience poor health, you should start now sleep with nightwear and underwear are loose. Removing underwear at bedtime, I recommend it over again," he said.

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Monday, 16 April 2012

Inhaling Smoke From Vehicles Trigger Mental Illness

High pollution levels currently have to watch out. Not only trigger physical illness, but the pollution from vehicle fumes can also trigger mental illness, the nature of aggressive and agitated. No wonder so many people stressed at the moment, perhaps because inhaled too many fumes. Researchers from Cairo University found the aggressive and anxious behavior in mice are given exposure to toxic fumes from gasoline. Rats mengirup the smoke became very aggressive, clawing at each other and fight each other.

Car smoke fumes suspected as the most dangerous and cause chronic disease in humans. Content of various types of chemicals in the smoke can damage brain cells and lead to various diseases, especially cancer. "Every day, millions of people exposed to and inhaled the smoke of burning petrol (gasoline). Starting from now until exposed to gas fumes in the streets," said Amal Kinawy, a researcher was quoted as saying by the Telegraph, Wednesday (25/11/2009).

In his study, researchers tried out three types of smoke on mice, the smoke that comes from gasoline, gasoline and smoke is not clean (does not contain anything). The result, mice that inhaled fumes from the gasoline made from chemical attack and tend to be aggressive than mice that breathed clean smoke. Once analyzed, the mouse brain inhaling chemicals from gasoline was damaged cells. Several previous studies link between fumes and risk of miscarriage, senile diseases, and allergies. Meanwhile, in England and toxic fumes are banned since 2000 because of fear of bad effects for health, especially children. This study published in the Journal BMC Physiology and as a warning to smoke as much as possible to avoid a vehicle that many encountered every day.
Tiens Product best for People who living at air polution area :
Tiens Renuves Capsules [Beneficial Capsules ]

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Be Careful Not to sit Too Long

The experts claim that sitting too long can cause many health problems, even for people who exercise regularly though. Recent research shows that idleness may increase the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, regardless of how often someone actively exercising.

One study in Stockholm, found that the growth opportunities of metabolic syndrome is a condition that can lead to diabetes, increased by 26 percent for every hour spent with the woman sitting while watching television. This increased risk did not even consider how many sports that have been made.

Although the researchers do not fully understand why spending time with sitting for long can increase the chances of developing health problems. But they warned that chemical reactions in the body that are triggered by idleness is too long, can not be prevented simply by doing more exercise.

The doctor from the Karolinska Institute and Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences in Stockholm, said that the only way to minimize these effects is to reduce the amount of time to idle, without doing any activity. They suggested some simple changes you can do every day, such as choosing climbing stairs or walking around the office a few minutes during the week.

"Up the stairs instead of having to use elevators and escalators, five-minute break during work, or walking to the store instead of driving a car will become as important as exercise."

The results of studies published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, also stated: "In the future, the focus of practice and clinical guidelines should not only promote and restrict the exercise, but also to encourage people to maintain their level of activity of daily [ which involves the movement]. "

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Apparatus For Blood Pressure Reduction Philippines

Normalize the Blood Pressure with Hypotension Apparatus (ABPR)
Apparatus Blood Pressure Reduction
Tiens has a device for reducing hypertension, called Hypotension Apparatus (Balance Apparatus for Physical Biological Electricity). The discuss shaped device, which normalize the blood pressure, work in two ways :
decreasing the hypertension and incresing the hypotension. It Works by neutralizing body biolelectric activity. Our body has biologic electricity current which is used by medical expert to chweck patients' condition; for instance, EKG is used to check heart activity and EEG is used to check brain activity. The illness happens if there is a bioelectric problem. If the problem is solved, the body will work well.

Hypotension Apparatus is a useful device to solve any kinds of health problems. Some of them are :
  • Normalize the blood pressure
  • Overcome the Pain
  • Heal the migraine
  • Avoid hair loss
  • Avoid grey hairs

The effective ways to use Hypotension Apparatus :

  1. Comb it onto head for three to five minutes each day
  2. For mild cases, do therapy for five to seven weeks regularly. For moderate severe cases, do it for nine to eleven weeks and for severe cases, do it for thirteen to fifteen weeks.
  3. Put the apparatus on hurt parts of the body to overcome the pain.
  4. Do the therapy regularly by using the apparatus at the same time every day; for instance do it before sleeping every night.
  5. To save time, do the therapy while doing other activities. To examplify, while watching TV or on the way to your office
  6. Stop the therapy if the illness has recovered;however, you are suggested to use the apparatus for twice or three a week to maintain your health.
  7. Keep consuming the doctor's medicines during the therapy. If the blood pressure is decreasing while taking the medicines, it means your hypertension is getting better, So its time to reduce the dosage of the medicine.
  8. Bring the apparatus everywhere you go to prevent sudden hypertension or migraine attack, as it is small and easily carried in your bag.
  9. You can use this apparatus in any condition, even in the wet hair

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